R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

Henrik Bengtsson

43 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
ACNE: Affymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (Version 0.9.1)Maintainer

2011 0
aroma.affymetrix: Analysis of Large Affymetrix Microarray Data Sets (Version 3.2.2)Maintainer

2009 1
aroma.apd: A Probe-Level Data File Format Used by 'aroma.affymetrix' [deprecated] (Version 0.7.0)Maintainer

2009 1
aroma.cn: Copy-Number Analysis of Large Microarray Data Sets (Version 1.7.1)Maintainer

2010 0
aroma.core: Core Methods and Classes Used by 'aroma.*' Packages Part of the Aroma Framework (Version 3.3.1)Maintainer

2009 4
BatchJobs: Batch Computing with R (Version 1.9)Contributor

2012 2
BrailleR: Improved Access for Blind Users (Version 1.0.2)Contributor

2012 0
calmate: Improved Allele-Specific Copy Number of SNP Microarrays for Downstream Segmentation (Version 0.13.0)Maintainer

2011 0
covr: Test Coverage for Packages (Version 3.6.4)Contributor

2015 2348
dChipIO: Methods for Reading dChip Files (Version 0.1.5)Maintainer

2016 1
doFuture: Use Foreach to Parallelize via the Future Framework (Version 1.0.1)Maintainer

2016 44
future: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone (Version 1.33.2)Maintainer

2015 320
future.apply: Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures (Version 1.11.2)Maintainer

2018 156
future.batchtools: A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using 'batchtools' (Version 0.12.1)Maintainer

2017 6
future.callr: A Future API for Parallel Processing using 'callr' (Version 0.8.2)Maintainer

2018 11
future.mirai: A 'Future' API for Parallel Processing using 'mirai' (Version 0.2.1)Maintainer

2024 1
future.tests: Test Suite for 'Future API' Backends (Version 0.7.0)Maintainer

2020 1
futureverse: Easily Install and Load the 'Futureverse' (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2024 0
globals: Identify Global Objects in R Expressions (Version 0.16.3)Maintainer

2015 17
googleComputeEngineR: R Interface with Google Compute Engine (Version 0.3.0)Contributor

2016 1
knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R (Version 1.47)Contributor

2012 9280
listenv: Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists (Version 0.9.1)Maintainer

2015 13
markdown: Render Markdown with 'commonmark' (Version 1.13)Contributor

2012 532
matrixStats: Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors) (Version 1.3.0)Maintainer

2009 274
parallelly: Enhancing the 'parallel' Package (Version 1.37.1)Maintainer

2020 49
pbapply: Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions (Version 1.7-2)Contributor

2010 251
port4me: Get the Same, Personal, Free 'TCP' Port over and over (Version 0.7.1)Maintainer

2022 0
princurve: Fit a Principal Curve in Arbitrary Dimension (Version 2.1.6)Contributor

1999 10
profmem: Simple Memory Profiling for R (Version 0.6.0)Maintainer

2016 3
progressr: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates (Version 0.14.0)Maintainer

2020 106
PSCBS: Analysis of Parent-Specific DNA Copy Numbers (Version 0.67.0)Maintainer

2011 4
R.cache: Fast and Light-Weight Caching (Memoization) of Objects and Results to Speed Up Computations (Version 0.16.0)Maintainer

2007 20
R.devices: Unified Handling of Graphics Devices (Version 2.17.2)Maintainer

2012 10
R.filesets: Easy Handling of and Access to Files Organized in Structured Directories (Version 2.15.1)Maintainer

2009 5
R.huge: Methods for Accessing Huge Amounts of Data [deprecated] (Version 0.10.1)Maintainer

2007 1
R.matlab: Read and Write MAT Files and Call MATLAB from Within R (Version 3.7.0)Maintainer

2005 21
R.methodsS3: S3 Methods Simplified (Version 1.8.2)Maintainer

2007 26
R.oo: R Object-Oriented Programming with or without References (Version 1.26.0)Maintainer

2005 22
R.rsp: Dynamic Generation of Scientific Reports (Version 0.46.0)Maintainer

2006 366
R.utils: Various Programming Utilities (Version 2.12.3)Maintainer

2005 203
seguid: Sequence Globally Unique Identifier (SEGUID) Checksums (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2024 0
startup: Friendly R Startup Configuration (Version 0.21.0)Maintainer

2016 0
TopDom: An Efficient and Deterministic Method for Identifying Topological Domains in Genomes (Version 0.10.1)Maintainer

2021 2

Popular co-authors (contributions)

gergely daróczi(1) . andreas weingessel(1) . michal bojanowski(1) . mark otto(1) . trevor hastie(1) . simon de bernard(1) . mark edmondson(1) . jacob bien(1) . kohske takahashi(2) . michel lang,(1) . jake burkhead(1) . joe cheng(2) . pierre neuvial(4) . hadley wickham(1) . peter hickey(1) . david hugh-jones(2) . david robinson(1) . jim hester(3) . paul t. spellman(1) . brodie gaslam(1) . hao zhu(1) . winston chang(1) . james manton(1) . jeroen ooms(3) . zachary foster(1) . ken simpson(2) . volker sorge(1) . michael friendly(1) . rstudio(1) . bootstrap contributors(1) . kirill mueller(1) . thibaut lamadon(1) . doug kelkhoff(1) . harris jaffee(1) . hodges daniel(1) . committee grant in 2017)(1) . venkatraman e. seshan(1) . the r consortium (project was awared an infrastructure steering(1) . jonathan sidi(1) . tim mastny(1) . r core team(2) . brian zhang(1) . jacob thornton(1) . kun ren(1) . jason punyon(1) . timothy bilton(1) . jason riedy (support for reading compressed files, sparse(1) . johan toloe(1) . john honaker(1) . qiang li(1) . dongcan jiang(1) . andre simon(1) . fitch simeon(1) . michel kuhlmann(1) . sophie banks(1) . jj allaire(2) . matrices and utf-encoded strings.)(1) . fabian hirschmann(1) . richard a. olshen(1) . yihui xie(3) . maria ortiz(2) . julien barnier(1) . james curtis(1) . steve peak(1) . martin modr(1) . peter solymos(1) . cassio pereira(1) . mark robinson(2) . sebastian meyer(1) . zygmunt zawadzki(1) . nacho caballero(2) . james bullard(1) . hmisc::wtd.quantile)(1) . xianghong zhou(1) . tom torsney-weir(1) . ola hossjer(1) . nick salkowski(1) . angelina panagopoulou(1) . robert krzyzanowski(2) . eric brown(1) . paul murrell(1) . lorenz walthert(1) . angel rubio(2) . jeff arnold(1) . adam vogt(1) . brian diggs(1) . hugh parsonage(1) . obada mahdi(1) . johannes ranke(1) . amar al-zubaidi(1) . bulat yapparov(1) . jenny bryan(1) . brian montgomery(1) . ian lyttle(1) . a. jonathan r. godfrey(1) . taiyun wei(1) . scott chamberlain(1) . jeffrey horner(1) . aaron wolen(1) . kirill müller(1) . ashley manton(1) . constantin ahlmann-eltze(1) . atsushi yasumoto(1) . karl forner(2) . doug hemken(1) . ellis hughes(1) . marshall flax(1) . noam ross(1) . greg snow(1) . romain francois(1) . ken williams(1) . duncan murdoch(2) . joseph larmarange(1) . gangqing hu(1) . andrzej oles(1) . marius hofert(1) . alastair andrew(1) . kaiyin zhong(1) . elio campitelli(1) . david hall(1) . robert gentleman(1) . will beasley(1) . weicheng zhu(1) . tony hirst(1) . jakob peder pettersen(1) . niels richard hansen(1) . yixuan qiu(1) . thomas leeper(2) . heewon jeon(1) . harris lazaris(1) . robrecht cannoodt(1) . viktoras veitas(1) . rodrigo copetti(1) . qin wang(1) . willem ligtenberg(1) . hanjun shin(1) . davis vaughan(1) . jacki novik(1) . trevor davis(1) . jon clayden(1) . kamil slowikowski(1) . kirill sevastyanenko(1) . hector corrada bravo(1) . james thompson(1) . andy jacobson(1) . twitter, inc(1) . frank e harrell jr (weighted quantile estimator adopted from(1) . forest fang(1) . ramnath vaidyanathan(1) . jan gleixner(1) . ivan sagalaev(1) . jooyoung seo(1) . jeremy ashkenas(1) . ruaridh williamson(1) . frank e harrell jr(1) . kasper hansen(1) . zhian kamvar(1) . sylvain rousseau(1) . tsan-kuang lee(1) . wush wu(1) . bernd bischl,(1) . ander aramburu(1) . richard cotton(1) . pavel krivitsky(1) . sietse brouwer(1) . charlie gao(1) . donal fitzpatrick(1) . elizabeth purdom(1) . jared lander(1) . adam b. olshen(1) . chris campbell(1) . sagiru mati(1) . robert flight(1) . christophe dervieux(1) . markus wamser(1) . javier luraschi(1) . hiroaki yutani(1) . gregoire detrez(1) . miller patrick(1) . jouni helske(1) . emily riederer(1) . thibaut assus(1) . adam november(1) . debra warren(1) . michael chirico(1) . jonathan keane(1) . peter langfelder(1) . john muschelli(1) . posit software(1) . kurt hornik(1) . kevin smith(1) . alex zvoleff(1) . lucas gallindo(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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