R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

Scott Chamberlain

88 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
analogsea: Interface to 'DigitalOcean' (Version

2015 1
bibtex: Bibtex Parser (Version 0.5.1)Contributor

2009 10
bold: Interface to Bold Systems API (Version 1.3.0)Contributor

2014 4
brranching: Fetch "Phylogenies" from Many Sources (Version 0.7.0)Maintainer

2015 0
cffr: Generate Citation File Format ('cff') Metadata for R Packages (Version 1.0.1)Contributor

2021 4
charlatan: Make Fake Data (Version 0.5.1)Contributor

2017 4
citecorp: Client for the Open Citations Corpus (Version 0.3.0)Maintainer

2019 0
ckanr: Client for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network ('CKAN') API (Version 0.7.0)Contributor

2015 2
conditionz: Control How Many Times Conditions are Thrown (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2019 2
cowsay: Messages, Warnings, Strings with Ascii Animals (Version 0.9.0)Maintainer

2015 1
crul: HTTP Client (Version 1.4.2)Maintainer

2016 70
dataone: R Interface to the DataONE REST API (Version 2.2.2)Contributor

2013 2
dataspice: Create Lightweight Schema.org Descriptions of Data (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2020 1
datelife: Scientific Data on Time of Lineage Divergence for Your Taxa (Version 0.6.8)Contributor

2022 0
elastic: General Purpose Interface to 'Elasticsearch' (Version 1.2.0)Maintainer

2015 3
fauxpas: HTTP Error Helpers (Version 0.5.2)Maintainer

2016 7
FedData: Functions to Automate Downloading Geospatial Data Available from Several Federated Data Sources (Version 4.0.1)Contributor

2015 1
finch: Parse Darwin Core Files (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2016 2
geojson: Classes for 'GeoJSON' (Version 0.3.5)Contributor

2016 2
geojsonio: Convert Data from and to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON' (Version 0.11.3)Contributor

2015 19
geojsonlint: Tools for Validating "GeoJSON" (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2016 2
getlandsat: Get Landsat 8 Data from Amazon Public Data Sets (Version 0.2.0)Maintainer

2016 0
ghql: General Purpose 'GraphQL' Client (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2020 3
gistr: Work with 'GitHub' 'Gists' (Version 0.9.0)Maintainer

2015 7
googleComputeEngineR: R Interface with Google Compute Engine (Version 0.3.0)Contributor

2016 1
gtools: Various R Programming Tools (Version 3.9.5)Contributor

2005 272
handlr: Convert Among Citation Formats (Version 0.3.0)Maintainer

2019 1
hoardr: Manage Cached Files (Version 0.5.4)Contributor

2017 10
httpcode: 'HTTP' Status Code Helper (Version 0.3.0)Maintainer

2015 5
httping: 'Ping' 'URLs' to Time 'Requests' (Version 0.2.0)Maintainer

2016 0
isdparser: Parse 'NOAA' Integrated Surface Data Files (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2016 1
jaod: Directory of Open Access Journals Client (Version 0.3.0)Maintainer

2017 0
jqr: Client for 'jq', a 'JSON' Processor (Version 1.3.3)Contributor

2016 8
mapr: Visualize Species Occurrence Data (Version 0.5.2)Maintainer

2016 0
nasapower: NASA POWER API Client (Version 4.2.1)Contributor

2018 4
natserv: 'NatureServe' Interface (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2016 1
oai: General Purpose 'Oai-PMH' Services Client (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2015 3
openadds: Client to Access "Openaddresses" Data (Version 0.2.0)Maintainer

2016 0
pangaear: Client for the 'Pangaea' Database (Version 1.1.0)Maintainer

2015 1
parzer: Parse Messy Geographic Coordinates (Version 0.4.1)Contributor

2020 2
phylocomr: Interface to 'Phylocom' (Version 0.3.4)Contributor

2018 2
plotly: Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js' (Version 4.10.4)Contributor

2015 463
pubchunks: Fetch Sections of XML Scholarly Articles (Version 0.3.0)Maintainer

2018 0
randgeo: Generate Random 'WKT' or 'GeoJSON' (Version 0.3.0)Maintainer

2017 1
rbace: "Bielefeld" Academic Search Engine ("BASE") Client (Version 0.2.2)Maintainer

2020 0
rbhl: Interface to the "Biodiversity" "Heritage" Library (Version 0.9.2)Maintainer

2014 0
rbison: Interface to the "USGS" "BISON" API (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2013 0
rcitoid: Client for "Citoid" (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2019 0
rcoreoa: Client for the CORE API (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2017 0
rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs' (Version 1.2.0)Contributor

2014 9
rdatacite: Client for the 'DataCite' API (Version 0.5.4)Contributor

2016 0
rdryad: Access for Dryad Web Services (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2013 0
rebird: R Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations (Version 1.3.0)Contributor

2014 1
redland: RDF Library Bindings in R (Version 1.0.17-18)Contributor

2016 2
rentrez: 'Entrez' in R (Version 1.2.3)Contributor

2013 21
request: High Level 'HTTP' Client (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2016 0
rerddap: General Purpose Client for 'ERDDAP' Servers (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2015 6
rfigshare: An R Interface to 'figshare' (Version 0.3.8)Contributor

2013 2
rfishbase: R Interface to 'FishBase' (Version 4.1.2)Contributor

2011 5
rgbif: Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API (Version 3.8.0)Contributor

2012 21
rgnparser: Parse Scientific Names (Version 0.3.0)Contributor

2020 2
ridigbio: Interface to the iDigBio Data API (Version 0.3.8)Contributor

2015 2
ritis: Integrated Taxonomic Information System Client (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2012 4
RNeXML: Semantically Rich I/O for the 'NeXML' Format (Version 2.4.11)Contributor

2014 2
rnoaa: "NOAA" Weather Data from R (Version 1.4.0)Contributor

2014 2
rnpn: Interface to the National 'Phenology' Network 'API' (Version

2016 0
rorcid: Interface to the 'Orcid.org' API (Version 0.7.0)Maintainer

2015 0
rotl: Interface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API (Version 3.1.0)Contributor

2015 4
rphylopic: Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic (Version 1.4.0)Contributor

2018 0
rplos: Interface to the Search API for "PLoS" Journals (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2011 0
rredlist: 'IUCN' Red List Client (Version 0.7.1)Contributor

2016 1
rvertnet: Search 'Vertnet', a 'Database' of Vertebrate Specimen Records (Version 0.8.4)Contributor

2012 1
sbtools: USGS ScienceBase Tools (Version 1.3.2)Contributor

2016 2
sofa: Connector to 'CouchDB' (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2016 1
solrium: General Purpose R Interface to 'Solr' (Version 1.2.0)Maintainer

2016 2
spocc: Interface to Species Occurrence Data Sources (Version 1.2.3)Contributor

2014 8
suppdata: Downloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts (Version 1.1-9)Contributor

2019 1
taxa: Classes for Storing and Manipulating Taxonomic Data (Version 0.4.3)Contributor

2017 1
taxadb: A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2020 3
taxize: Taxonomic Information from Around the Web (Version 0.9.100)Contributor

2012 28
taxizedb: Tools for Working with 'Taxonomic' Databases (Version 0.3.1)Contributor

2017 0
traits: Species Trait Data from Around the Web (Version 0.5.1)Contributor

2015 2
vcr: Record 'HTTP' Calls to Disk (Version 1.2.2)Maintainer

2018 68
webmockr: Stubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' Requests (Version 0.9.0)Maintainer

2017 18
wellknown: Convert Between "WKT" and "GeoJSON" (Version 0.7.4)Maintainer

2015 0
wikitaxa: Taxonomic Information from 'Wikipedia' (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2017 2
worrms: World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Client (Version 0.4.3)Contributor

2017 2
zbank: "ZooBank" API Client (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2018 0

Popular co-authors (contributions)

lewis a. jones(1) . files for details)),(1) . sharla gelfand(1) . bart vanhoorne.(1) . sebastian pardo(1) . (scott chamberlain reviewed nasapower for ropensci, see(1) . duncan temple lang(1) . lucy d'agostino mcgowan(1) . michael sumner(1) . simon goring(1) . carl boettiger(10) . matthew collins(1) . digitalocean(1) . https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/195)(1) . chris black(1) . bianca kramer(1) . 2012/07/d/hs6/01971, <https://ncn.gov.pl>)(1) . april wright(1) . karthik ram(9) . diego hernangómez(2) . kara woo(2) . noam ross(3) . ropensci(13) . jeroen ooms(4) . andy teucher(3) . hao zhu(1) . kyle voytovich(1) . chris parmer(1) . jordan read(2) . dylan beaudette(1) . genei ryodan(1) . hadley wickham(1) . bastian greshake tzovaras(1) . rstudio(1) . jacki novik(1) . klaus schliep(1) . alban sagouis(2) . auriel fournier(1) . marion louveaux(1) . zachary foster(3) . jonathan eastman(1) . maria munafó (maria munafó reviewed the package, see(1) . gavin simpson(1) . mark davis(1) . karl broman(1) . hazel kavili (hazel kavili reviewed nasapower for ropensci, see(1) . david blodgett(1) . carson sievert(2) . ignasi bartomeus(2) . edmund hart(2) . chris ray(1) . jari oksanen(1) . peter wainwright(1) . mark edmondson(1) . kari norman(1) . for details)),(1) . regents of the university of california(2) . david winter(2) . han guangchun(1) . bryce mecum(3) . https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/94),(1) . mathew w. mclean(1) . william gearty(2) . completely re-written),(1) . matthew b. jones(2) . thomas leeper(1) . zebulun arendsee(2) . kevin love(1) . rich fitzjohn(2) . thomas lumley(1) . jeffrey hollister(1) . michael koohafkan(1) . david lebauer(2) . ben tupper(1) . adam erickson(1) . philipp boersch-supan(1) . nitin jain(1) . guangchuang yu(1) . jesse bennett(1) . salix dubois(1) . gregory r. warnes(1) . joseph brown(2) . salvador jesús fernández bejarano(1) . najko jahn(1) . francois michonneau(2) . andreas brandmaier(1) . jeanette clark(1) . gaopeng li(1) . peter midford(1) . tamás stirling(2) . stefan milton bache(1) . hiroaki yutani(1) . pedro despouy(1) . ramnath vaidyanathan(1) . marianna foos(1) . ross mounce (ross mounce reviewed the package for ropensci, see(1) . peter slaughter(2) . eduard szoecs(1) . luke winslow(1) . maëlle salmon(5) . rupert collins(1) . university of bristol(1) . irene steves(1) . hem nalini morzaria-luna(1) . david ackerly (author of libphylocom (see authors and copyright(1) . sarah supp (sarah supp reviewed the package for ropensci, see(1) . kelly hondula(1) . james joseph balamuta(1) . chris jones(1) . wush wu(1) . guy babineau(1) . henrik bengtsson(1) . michelle l. gaynor(1) . hilmar lapp(1) . jeff switzer(1) . alison appling(1) . william d. pearse(1) . tristan mahr (tristan mahr reviewed the package for ropensci, see(1) . kate webbink(1) . luna l. sanchez reyes(1) . vijay barve(2) . philippe marchand(1) . alec l. robitaille(1) . https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/341),(1) . daniel possenriede(1) . plotly technologies inc.(1) . ethan welty(1) . romain francois(1) . mike alfaro(1) . bill venables(1) . anna krystalli(1) . ted hart(1) . julia gustavsen(1) . tom macwright(1) . david bradnum(1) . kevin wong(1) . david beckett(1) . tyler rinker(1) . naupaka zimmerman(1) . eric r scott(1) . amanda dobbyn(1) . david miller(1) . francisco alves(1) . steffen moeller(1) . jorrit poelen(1) . tracy heath(1) . ian wilson(1) . cam webb (author of libphylocom (see authors and copyright files(1) . martin pedersen(1) . roel m. hogervorst(1) . vinh tran(1) . toby hocking(1) . imanuel costigan(1) . rob nahf(1) . luke harmon(1) . kevin cazelles(1) . brooke anderson (brooke anderson reviewed the package for(1) . matthias grenié(1) . andrew macdonald(1) . david harris(1) . dan mcglinn(1) . bob rudis(1) . steven kembel (author of libphylocom (see authors and copyright(1) . samuel bosch(1) . roy mendelssohn(1) . florian mayer(1) . joão martins(1) . winston chang(2) . michael mahoney(1) . marianne corvellec(1) . lauren walker(1) . emily jane mctavish(1) . aristotelis charalampous(1) . mauricio vargas(1) . kurt hornik(1) . rafael maia(1) . national science centre (supported mb through grant(1) . kseniia shumelchyk(1) . aaron wolen(2) . <https://github.com/ropensci/software-review/issues/155>.),(1) . arni magnusson(1) . joel h. nitta(1) . daniel nuest(1) . ben bolker(1) . jeffrey bogan (c++ code originally from jeffrey bogan, but(1) . brian ripley(1) . salim brüggemann(1) . nicholas potter(1) . dave slager(1) . joseph stachelek(1) . matt pennell(1) . john baumgartner(1) . ropensci, see https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/94),(1) . https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/195),(1) . lee marsh(1) . rutger vos(1) . hart edmund(1) . brian o'meara(1) . adam h. sparks(1) . franz-sebastian krah(1) . julien brun (julien brun reviewed the package, see(1) . hannah owens(1) . james o'donnell(1) . alex simmons(1) . r. kyle bocinsky(1) . kiyoko gotanda(1) . michal bojanowski(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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