R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

carl boettiger

33 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files (Version 0.0.18)Maintainer

2018 0
codemeta: A Smaller 'codemetar' Package (Version 0.1.1)Maintainer

2021 2
codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages (Version 0.3.5)Maintainer

2018 2
contentid: An Interface for Content-Based Identifiers (Version 0.0.18)Maintainer

2020 4
dataone: R Interface to the DataONE REST API (Version 2.2.2)Contributor

2013 2
dataspice: Create Lightweight Schema.org Descriptions of Data (Version 1.1.0)Contributor

2020 1
duckdbfs: High Performance Remote File System, Database and 'Geospatial' Access Using 'duckdb' (Version 0.0.4)Maintainer

2023 2
earthdatalogin: NASA 'EarthData' Login Utilities (Version 0.0.2)Maintainer

2023 0
EcoNetGen: Simulate and Sample from Ecological Interaction Networks (Version 0.2.4)Maintainer

2018 0
EML: Read and Write Ecological Metadata Language Files (Version

2016 6
emld: Ecological Metadata as Linked Data (Version 0.5.1)Maintainer

2019 5
gbifdb: High Performance Interface to 'GBIF' (Version 1.0.0)Maintainer

2022 0
knitcitations: Citations for 'Knitr' Markdown Files (Version 1.0.12)Maintainer

2012 8
minioclient: Interface to the 'MinIO' Client (Version 0.0.6)Maintainer

2023 2
neonstore: NEON Data Store (Version 0.5.1)Maintainer

2020 0
piggyback: Managing Larger Data on a GitHub Repository (Version 0.1.5)Maintainer

2018 7
pmc: Phylogenetic Monte Carlo (Version 1.0.6)Maintainer

2012 0
ramlegacy: Download and Read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (Version 0.2.0)Contributor

2019 0
rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs' (Version 1.2.0)Contributor

2014 9
rdflib: Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data (Version 0.2.8)Maintainer

2018 6
rdryad: Access for Dryad Web Services (Version 1.0.0)Contributor

2013 0
redland: RDF Library Bindings in R (Version 1.0.17-18)Contributor

2016 2
rfigshare: An R Interface to 'figshare' (Version 0.3.8)Maintainer

2013 2
rfishbase: R Interface to 'FishBase' (Version 4.1.2)Maintainer

2011 5
rfisheries: 'Programmatic Interface to the 'openfisheries.org' API' (Version 0.2)Contributor

2013 0
RNeXML: Semantically Rich I/O for the 'NeXML' Format (Version 2.4.11)Maintainer

2014 2
rticles: Article Formats for R Markdown (Version 0.27)Contributor

2016 18
sarsop: Approximate POMDP Planning Software (Version 0.6.15)Maintainer

2020 1
taxadb: A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface (Version 0.2.1)Maintainer

2020 3
taxalight: A Lightweight and Lightning-Fast Taxonomic Naming Interface (Version 0.1.5)Maintainer

2021 1
taxize: Taxonomic Information from Around the Web (Version 0.9.100)Contributor

2012 28
treebase: Discovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies (Version 0.1.5)Maintainer

2011 2
virtuoso: Interface to 'Virtuoso' using 'ODBC' (Version 0.1.8)Maintainer

2019 0

Popular co-authors (contributions)

jeroen ooms(4) . hao zhu(1) . david beckett(1) . john baumgartner(1) . christine laney(1) . ropensci(3) . james o'donnell(1) . elsevier(1) . scott chamberlain(10) . daniel emaasit(1) . auriel fournier(1) . zebulun arendsee(1) . matthew b. jones(4) . maëlle salmon(5) . ben marwick(1) . kirill mueller(1) . oliver keyes(1) . peter slaughter(2) . tan ho(1) . zachary foster(1) . peter wainwright(1) . ramnath vaidyanathan(1) . philippe marchand(1) . edmund hart(2) . alessandro gasparini(1) . bri lind(1) . sam albers(1) . noam ross(4) . jamie afflerbach(1) . yuvi panda(1) . kate webbink(1) . anna krystalli(3) . jeanette clark(2) . kseniia shumelchyk(1) . university of bristol(1) . association for computing machinery(1) . sebastian meyer(2) . hilmar lapp(1) . dominik leutnant(1) . yihui xie(1) . najko jahn(1) . rutger vos(1) . bryce mecum(6) . bastiaan quast(1) . michael rustler(2) . karthik ram(5) . jorrit poelen(2) . hadley wickham(1) . brandon bertelsen(1) . jeffrey o hanson(1) . arfon smith(2) . milad memarzadeh(1) . toph allen(1) . irene steves(1) . david kaplan(1) . hauke sonnenberg(2) . openscapes(1) . hanna kurniawati(1) . kshitiz gupta(1) . daniel n(1) . nimbios(1) . karl broman(1) . david hsu(1) . sebastian kreutzer(2) . charlotte wickham(1) . elio campitelli(1) . kevin kuo(1) . erica newman(1) . viktor senderov(1) . francis(1) . mathias pires(1) . mark padgham(1) . thierry onkelinx(2) . randall pruim(1) . kari norman(2) . cph](1) . ignasi bartomeus(1) . jj allaire(1) . oguzhan (1) . kara woo(1) . marcus de aguiar(1) . katrin leinweber(2) . nsf oac 1839201(1) . andrew dyck(1) . r foundation(1) . chris jones(1) . richard fitzjohn(1) . eduard szoecs(1) . regents of the university of california(2) . taylor(1) . rob nahf(1) . mitchell maier(1) . ram legacy stock assessment database(1) . duncan temple lang(2) . jari oksanen(1) . kelly hondula(1) . matthias grenié(1) . miao yu(1) . markus skyttner(1) . quinn thomas(1) . claire lunch(1) . jordan read(1) . journal of statistical software(1) . luis lópez(1) . lauren walker(1) . kevin cazelles(1) . vinh tran(1) . gaopeng li(1) . bastian greshake tzovaras(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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