R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

Kent Russell

15 Packages

Popular co-authors (contributions)

htmlwidgets/react-json, https://github.com/mac-s-g/react-json-view),(1) . htmlwidgets/lib, https://github.com/hammerjs/hammer),(1) . sebastian jeworutzki(1) . facebook, inc. and its affiliates(1) . hendrik feddersen(1) . martijn tennekes(1) . jumping rivers(1) . maëlle salmon(1) . john clouse(1) . alan dipert(1) . gregor aisch (d3-jetpack creator,(1) . mike bostock(2) . richard zijdeman(1) . ben ortiz(1) . mārcis bratka(1) . posit software, pbc(1) . joe cheng(1) . jos de jong (jsoneditor.js library in(1) . mike bostock (d3.js library in htmlwidgets/lib,(1) . https://github.com/tinker10/d3-labeler)(1) . speros kokenes (d3-lasso-plugin library,(1) . https://github.com/gka/d3-jetpack),(1) . gareth watts (jquery.sparkline library in htmlwidgets/lib,(1) . ellis patrick(1) . ramnath vaidyanathan(2) . kevin warne (d2b sunburst library in htmlwidgets/lib,(1) . steph locke(1) . jorik tangelder (hammer.js mit-licensed touch library in(1) . julien barnier(1) . robin lovelace(1) . https://github.com/skeate/leaflet.timeline),(1) . yihui xie(1) . https://gist.github.com/kerryrodden/7090426),(1) . htmlwidgets/lib, http://d3js.org),(1) . facebook inc (react library in lib, https://reactjs.org/;(1) . anders riutta et. al. (svg-pan-zoom.js bsd-licensed library(1) . https://github.com/d2bjs/d2b),(1) . mac gainer (react-json-view library in(1) . jquery contributors (jquery library; authors listed in(1) . htmlwidgets/jsoneditor, http://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor/),(1) . jonathan skeate (leaflet-timeline library,(1) . james halliday(1) . https://github.com/gwatts/jquery.sparkline),(1) . florian breitwieser(1) . kyle cuilla(1) . june choe(1) . see authors for full list of contributors),(1) . jj allaire(1) . jquery foundation(1) . inst/htmlwidgets/lib/jquery/jquery-authors.txt)(1) . tanner linsley(1) . evan you (vue library in lib, https://vuejs.org/; see(1) . adam pearce(1) . kenton russell(1) . cj yetman(1) . jakub nowosad(1) . greg lin(2) . https://github.com/skokenes/d3-lasso-plugin),(1) . garth tarr(1) . ibm(1) . evan wang (d3-labeler plugin,(1) . roman shtylman(1) . emotion team and other contributors(1) . michel weststrate (mobx library in lib,(1) . in htmlwidgets/lib, https://github.com/ariutta/svg-pan-zoom),(1) . feross aboukhadijeh, and other contributors(1) . joel gombin(1) . mike bostock (d3.js library and much of edgebundle code in(1) . susie lu(1) . http://d3js.org),(1) . swechhya bista(1) . kerry rodden (sequences library in htmlwidgets/lib,(1) . jannes muenchow(1) . colin gillespie(1) . formatjs(1) . backers for full list of patreon backers),(1) . https://github.com/mobxjs),(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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