R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

kenton russell

16 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
d3Tree: Create Interactive Collapsible Trees with the JavaScript 'D3' Library (Version 0.3.0)Contributor

2017 0
formattable: Create 'Formattable' Data Structures (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2015 29
htmlwidgets: HTML Widgets for R (Version 1.6.4)Contributor

2014 345
leafem: 'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview' (Version 0.2.3)Contributor

2019 13
leaflet: Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library (Version 2.2.2)Contributor

2015 218
leafpm: Leaflet Map Plugin for Drawing and Editing (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2019 3
leafsync: Small Multiples for Leaflet Web Maps (Version 0.1.0)Contributor

2019 7
mapedit: Interactive Editing of Spatial Data in R (Version 0.6.0)Contributor

2017 9
mapview: Interactive Viewing of Spatial Data in R (Version 2.11.2)Contributor

2015 49
networkD3: D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R (Version 0.4)Contributor

2014 34
rbokeh: R Interface for Bokeh (Version 0.5.2)Contributor

2016 0
reactable: Interactive Data Tables for R (Version 0.4.4)Contributor

2019 45
rmapshaper: Client for 'mapshaper' for 'Geospatial' Operations (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2016 19
robservable: Import an Observable Notebook as HTML Widget (Version 0.2.2)Contributor

2020 0
rpivotTable: Build Powerful Pivot Tables and Dynamically Slice & Dice your Data (Version 0.3.0)Contributor

2015 8
sortable: Drag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS' (Version 0.5.0)Contributor

2019 18

Popular co-authors (contributions)

patrick schratz(1) . andy teucher(1) . leaflet contributors(1) . jonathan owen(2) . jj allaire(2) . tim appelhans(5) . derek friend(1) . jochen darley(2) . nagarajan chinnasamy(1) . j.j. allaire(1) . benjamin becquet(1) . other contributors(1) . feross aboukhadijeh,(1) . ramnath vaidyanathan(2) . continuum analytics(1) . barret schloerke(3) . brandon copeland(1) . michael sumner(1) . julien barnier(1) . daniel dufour(1) . rstudio(1) . b.w. lewis(1) . christopher gandrud(1) . matthew bloch(1) . tanner linsley(1) . vladimir agafonkin(1) . jakob gutschlhofer(1) . enzo martoglio(1) . joerg dietrich(1) . bhaskar karambelkar(1) . charles sese(1) . yeedle neuwirth(1) . saptasrhi guha(1) . jonathan sidi(1) . pierre roudier(1) . cloudmade(1) . posit software(2) . joe cheng(3) . jennifer rogers(1) . cj yetman(1) . spaska forteva(1) . ryan hafen(1) . yihui xie(3) . sebastian gatscha(1) . lorenzo busetto(3) . christoph reudenbach(2) . florian detsch(1) . sumit kumar(1) . thomas nauss(1) . carson sievert(1) . l. voogdt(1) . michael bostock(1) . björn harrtell(1) . edzer pebesma(1) . peter ellis(1) . kent johnson(1) . robert kajic(1) . lebedev konstantin(1) . facebook(1) . daniel montague(2) . its affiliates(1) . ellis hughes(1) . nicolas kruchten(1) . andrie de vries(1) . greg lin(1) . miles mcbain(1) . josh o'brien(1) . emotion team(1) . kevin cazelles(1) . environmental informatics marburg(1) . kevin kuo(1) . mapbox(1) . kun ren(1) . kartena ab(1) . stefan woellauer(1) . norkart as(1) . kent russell(1) . hadley wickham(1) . formatjs(1) . luigi ranghetti(1) . jan pieter wagmeester(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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