R Scholar logoR Package Scholar

Thibaut Jombart

25 Packages
Package ⇅ Year Total~Citation
adegenet: Exploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data (Version 2.1.10)Contributor

2007 34
adephylo: Exploratory Analyses for the Phylogenetic Comparative Method (Version 1.1-16)Contributor

2009 5
adespatial: Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis (Version 0.3-23)Contributor

2016 6
apex: Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data (Version 1.0.6)Contributor

2015 0
distcrete: Discrete Distribution Approximations (Version 1.0.3)Contributor

2017 4
earlyR: Estimation of Transmissibility in the Early Stages of a Disease Outbreak (Version 0.0.5)Maintainer

2017 0
epicontacts: Handling, Visualisation and Analysis of Epidemiological Contacts (Version 1.1.4)Contributor

2017 3
EpiEstim: Estimate Time Varying Reproduction Numbers from Epidemic Curves (Version 2.2-4)Contributor

2012 6
epiflows: Predicting Disease Spread from Flow Data (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2018 0
epitrix: Small Helpers and Tricks for Epidemics Analysis (Version 0.4.0)Maintainer

2017 1
finalsize: Calculate the Final Size of an Epidemic (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2022 0
hierfstat: Estimation and Tests of Hierarchical F-Statistics (Version 0.5-11)Contributor

2004 9
i2extras: Functions to Work with 'incidence2' Objects (Version 0.2.1)Contributor

2020 0
incidence: Compute, Handle, Plot and Model Incidence of Dated Events (Version 1.7.5)Contributor

2016 6
linelist: Tagging and Validating Epidemiological Data (Version 1.1.4)Contributor

2022 1
matchmaker: Flexible Dictionary-Based Cleaning (Version 0.1.1)Contributor

2020 1
o2geosocial: Reconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Data (Version 1.1.3)Contributor

2020 0
odin: ODE Generation and Integration (Version 1.2.5)Contributor

2019 0
outbreaker2: Bayesian Reconstruction of Disease Outbreaks by Combining Epidemiologic and Genomic Data (Version 1.1.3)Contributor

2017 1
outbreaks: A Collection of Disease Outbreak Data (Version 1.9.0)Contributor

2016 14
projections: Project Future Case Incidence (Version 0.6.0)Maintainer

2017 1
reportfactory: Lightweight Infrastructure for Handling Multiple R Markdown Documents (Version 0.4.0)Contributor

2021 0
treespace: Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees (Version

2017 0
trendeval: Evaluate Trending Models (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2020 0
trending: Model Temporal Trends (Version 0.1.0)Maintainer

2020 1

Popular co-authors (contributions)

hélène h wagner(1) . justin lessler(1) . zhian n. kamvar(10) . robin thompson(1) . tim taylor(8) . steph locke(1) . isobel blake(1) . cre],(1) . rich fitzjohn(4) . pierre nouvellet(3) . rj ewing(1) . zhian namir kamvar(1) . sangeeta bhatia(2) . patrick barks(1) . finlay campbell(3) . rolina van gaalen(1) . guillaume blanchet(1) . olivier hardy(1) . guillaume guenard(1) . jerome goudet(1) . klaus schliep(2) . jonathan a. polonsky(1) . simon cauchemez(1) . anders ellern bilgrau(1) . dirk schumacher(3) . libor morkovsky(1) . neil m. ferguson(1) . juliet r.c. pulliam(2) . marie-pauline beugin(1) . bertrand sudre(2) . andree valle-campos(1) . janetta skarp(1) . sang woo park(1) . adam j kucharski(1) . jun cai(1) . charlie whittaker(1) . daniel borcard(1) . simon frost(1) . jakob schumacher(2) . imperial college of science, technology and medicine(1) . salla e. toikkanen(1) . eric archer(2) . stephane ghozzi(1) . shikun li(1) . gerry tonkin-hill(1) . tiago maié(1) . pavel dimens(1) . pawel piatkowski(1) . lindsay v. clark(1) . aurélie siberchicot(2) . pierre legendre(1) . jake stockwin(1) . guillaume larocque(1) . anne cori(5) . christophe fraser(1) . adam kucharski(1) . p. alex demarsh(1) . vladimir mikryukov(1) . nistara randhawa(1) . pietro monticone(1) . frédéric michaud(1) . federico calboli(1) . stéphane dray(2) . vp nagraj(2) . rebecca harris(1) . hugo gruson(2) . michelle kendall(1) . pratik gupte(1) . chris hartgerink(1) . alexis robert(2) . elisabeth dahlqwist(1) . caroline colijn(1) . peter solymos(1) . naima madi(1) . jacob almagro-garcia(1) . alexandre courtiol(1) . thomas crellen(1) . flavio finger(1) . paula moraga(1) . rosalind eggo(1) . david bauman(1) . joshua w. lambert(1) . sylvie clappe(1) . sebastian funk(1) . caitlin collins(1) . ismail ahmed(1) . brian j. knaus(1) . eric brown(1) . kristjan eldjarn(1) . amy gimma(1) . edwin van leeuwen(1) . rebecca decamp(1) . roman lustrik(1) . 

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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