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gabor csardi


82 Packages
0 Citation
Package Title ⇅ Year Total~Citation
archive: Multi-Format Archive and Compression Support (Version 1.1.9)

2021 14
asciicast: Create 'Ascii' Screen Casts from R Scripts (Version 2.3.1)

2019 4
available: Check if the Title of a Package is Available, Appropriate and Interesting (Version 1.1.0)

2017 2
brio: Basic R Input Output (Version 1.1.5)

2020 20
callr: Call R from R (Version 3.7.6)

2016 137
checkpoint: Install Packages from Snapshots on the Checkpoint Server for Reproducibility (Version 1.0.2)

2014 0
cleancall: C Resource Cleanup via Exit Handlers (Version 0.1.3)

2019 1
cli: Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces (Version 3.6.3)

2017 866
cliapp: Create Rich Command Line Applications (Version 0.1.2)

2018 0
clisymbols: Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt (Version 1.2.0)

2015 16
cranlike: Tools for 'CRAN'-Like Repositories (Version 1.0.3)

2017 0
cranlogs: Download Logs from the 'RStudio' 'CRAN' Mirror (Version 2.1.1)

2015 12
crayon: Colored Terminal Output (Version 1.5.3)

2014 400
cyclocomp: Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code (Version 1.1.1)

2016 5
debugme: Debug R Packages (Version 1.2.0)

2016 13
desc: Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files (Version 1.4.3)

2016 69
disposables: Create Disposable R Packages for Testing (Version 1.0.3)

2014 1
distill: 'R Markdown' Format for Scientific and Technical Writing (Version 1.6)

2019 3
dotenv: Load Environment Variables from '.env' (Version 1.0.3)

2016 2
filelock: Portable File Locking (Version 1.0.3)

2018 13
franc: Detect the Language of Text (Version 1.1.4)

2015 0
fs: Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv' (Version 1.6.4)

2018 287
getPass: Masked User Input (Version 0.2-4)

2016 30
gh: 'GitHub' 'API' (Version 1.4.1)

2017 33
gitcreds: Query 'git' Credentials from 'R' (Version 0.1.2)

2020 16
goodpractice: Advice on R Package Building (Version 1.0.5)

2018 0
igraph: Network Analysis and Visualization (Version 2.0.3)

2006 951
igraphdata: A Collection of Network Data Sets for the 'igraph' Package (Version 1.0.1)

2013 12
isa2: The Iterative Signature Algorithm (Version 0.3.6)

2009 3
keyring: Access the System Credential Store from R (Version 1.3.2)

2017 50
leidenAlg: Implements the Leiden Algorithm via an R Interface (Version 1.1.3)

2020 2
leidenbase: R and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() Function (Version 0.1.31)

2022 0
liteq: Lightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite' (Version 1.1.0)

2017 1
logmult: Log-Multiplicative Models, Including Association Models (Version 0.7.4)

2012 1
nanoparquet: Read and Write 'Parquet' Files (Version 0.3.1)

2024 3
oskeyring: Raw System Credential Store Access from R (Version 0.1.6)

2020 1
pak: Another Approach to Package Installation (Version 0.8.0)

2020 12
parsedate: Recognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO 8601 Formats (Version 1.3.1)

2014 17
pingr: Check if a Remote Computer is Up (Version 2.0.3)

2014 22
pkgbuild: Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages (Version 1.4.4)

2018 38
pkgcache: Cache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages (Version 2.2.3)

2018 4
pkgconfig: Private Configuration for 'R' Packages (Version 2.0.3)

2015 9
pkgdepends: Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads (Version 0.8.0)

2021 4
pkgsearch: Search and Query CRAN R Packages (Version 3.1.3)

2018 7
praise: Praise Users (Version 1.0.0)

2015 2
prettycode: Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal (Version 1.1.0)

2017 9
prettyunits: Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities (Version 1.2.0)

2014 18
processx: Execute and Control System Processes (Version 3.8.4)

2017 88
progress: Terminal Progress Bars (Version 1.2.3)

2015 284
prompt: Dynamic 'R' Prompt (Version 1.0.2)

2021 1
ps: List, Query, Manipulate System Processes (Version 1.8.0)

2018 21
rappdirs: Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs (Version 0.3.3)

2016 123
rcmdcheck: Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results (Version 1.4.0)

2016 34
rematch: Match Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API' (Version 2.0.0)

2016 4
rematch2: Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching (Version 2.1.2)

2017 11
remotes: R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including 'GitHub' (Version 2.5.0)

2016 117
rgl: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL (Version 1.3.1)

2004 349
rhub: Tools for R Package Developers (Version 2.0.0)

2017 9
RInno: An Installation Framework for Shiny Apps (Version 1.0.1)

2017 0
roxut: Document Unit Tests Roxygen-Style (Version 0.4.0)

2020 3
roxygen2: In-Line Documentation for R (Version 7.3.2)

2011 433
rstack: Stack Data Type as an 'R6' Class (Version 1.0.1)

2016 2
rversions: Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel' (Version 2.1.2)

2015 3
sand: Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R, 2nd Edition (Version 2.0.0)

2014 1
sankey: Illustrate the Flow of Information or Material (Version 1.0.2)

2015 1
secret: Share Sensitive Information in R Packages (Version 1.1.0)

2017 1
sessioninfo: R Session Information (Version 1.2.2)

2017 34
shinytest: Test Shiny Apps (Version 1.6.1)

2018 34
shinytest2: Testing for Shiny Applications (Version 0.3.2)

2022 41
shinytoastr: Notifications from 'Shiny' (Version 2.2.0)

2016 2
showimage: Show an Image on an 'R' Graphics Device (Version 1.0.0)

2018 4
simplegraph: Simple Graph Data Types and Basic Algorithms (Version 1.0.1)

2015 1
speakeasyR: Fast and Robust Multi-Scale Graph Clustering (Version 0.1.4)

2024 0
sys: Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R (Version 3.4.2)

2017 31
tracer: Slick Call Stacks (Version 1.0.0)

2017 0
urlchecker: Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions (Version 1.0.1)

2021 2
webdriver: 'WebDriver' Client for 'PhantomJS' (Version 1.0.6)

2018 3
webfakes: Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing (Version 1.3.1)

2020 17
whoami: Username, Full Name, Email Address, 'GitHub' Username of the Current User (Version 1.3.0)

2015 19
xmlparsedata: Parse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree (Version 1.0.5)

2016 4
xopen: Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything (Version 1.0.1)

2018 4
zip: Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression (Version 2.3.1)

2017 72

RPKG Scholar presents a tabulation of an author's contribution in the development of R packages stored in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Within this site, we consider package dependencies (suggests,imports,depends,enhances) as citations because we believe that using one's package to develop another is tantamount to citing the author of the package being imported, suggested or enhanced.

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